linux – 可以访问锁定的gnu屏幕会话终端吗?

GNU Screen的一个功能是锁定屏幕. 手册页说: lockscreen Lock this display. Call a screenlock program (/local/bin/lck or /usr/bin/lock or a builtin if no other is available). Screen does not accept any command keys until this program termin

GNU Screen的一个功能是锁定屏幕.



Lock this display. Call a screenlock
program (/local/bin/lck or
/usr/bin/lock or a builtin if no other
is available). Screen does not accept
any command keys until this program
terminates. Meanwhile processes in the
windows may continue,as the windows
are in the `detached’ state. The
screenlock program may be changed
through the environment variable
$LOCKPRG (which must be set in the
shell from which screen is started)
and is executed with the user’s uid
and gid. Warning: When you leave other
shells unlocked and you have no
password set on screen,the lock is
void: One could easily re-attach from
an unlocked shell. This feature should
rather be called ‘lockterminal’.





我不确定为什么这是一个场景.如果它是服务器,为什么不用SSH登录?如果它是台式机 – 为什么不运行xlock呢?

关于作者: dawei

